Friday, June 20, 2008

Reading it foremost

I just wanna keep reading scripture with my own mind first. I can participate with confidence (and hopefully not arrogance!) in religious discussions both with believers and unbelievers because I have faith that I have read it and understood it (which doesn't happen just once, but over a lifetime). If I had read commentaries first, I think for me it would have squashed that whole creative element where I get to experience that God has spoken in what He has provided, and especially the blessing that comes when I compare my notes with the theologians and discover the fulfillment of Paul's desire, for the body to have unity.

Who wants to be known as a plagiarist, anyway; who wants their idea of scripture to be recalled through other men's explanations?

I guess this is one of the reasons why I love discussion forums. It's having some someones to read things a little contrary than you'd like them to, a little differently than you'd otherwise be able to, all so that I might pray and discover the challenge God has designed in the full and proper meaning of a passage.

I realize that I unintentionally insult the intelligence of those who read -- you already knew the good in reading scripture first and opinions of scripture second. I'm starting a new study though.

A lot of heat has been given out lately over the passages of scripture which teach a separation or dis-union with those who teach false doctrines. Before I could ever apply them to another group, I better know for myself what they say. I want my mind to be open to the divides the Word would make, not the scare-driven uneducated boundary lines I have already been trying to hold up and hold at bay.

For that reason I purposely have not inquired further into one group's heavy reliance and reasonings for living in a way commanded by these passages. I'll make conclusions on their stuff when I am done with the Word. Though, I would greatly desire anyone's comments, large or small, on ways they would want to correct or widen my understanding.

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