Sunday, April 24, 2005

Tug of War

I have been experiencing a week of exploration into the depth of my self-centeredness and haughtiness this week. It has hurt to then go to a Birthright benefit dinner last night and then church the next morning.

I prayed midweek the vision He gave me: "Lay me down and break me apart, God." My vision was some large object just crushing my chest and breaking me open. Sounds graphic. And exciting.

I have been desperate and alone for this whole path of exploration. I knew God was lurking. But He was not close to me. I knew that His grace was still carrying me in the grand scheme, but I was far away from Him for the moment.

My pastor's sermon was on checking the filter; the "lint traps" of our conscience. He said "You could have even a passionate relationship with God, if only you'd change your filter when you notice it's clogged."

That word "passionate" caught me. My soul started growling with hunger pains.

I watched "The Dead Poet's Society" this week. Quoting Henry David Thoreau, it says in the club's motto: "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow out of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die, Discover that I had not lived."

That's me.

I have a lot of passion. There's a lot of passion that I have for things that are not in God's light. And I have learned just as I write this, that even with all the soaking passion, there is still no meaning. I may feel strongly about many things, but how relevant are they to the rest of my life? How relevant are they to loving others?

I can sense in all my man-made ideals and ideologies that they are very anti-life. Meaning that they are self-centered and self-serving. I know that there is no power nor any satisfaction in it. I know that if I pursued them, people would get hurt, not helped. They are a statement summed up by "I," and not "Others." That's not what I really want!

I want to have a life of power. And of deep love and compassion for others. But I can't write the rules. My rules suck. They don't equate to reality as God has made it. I need to submit myself to the Author.

I feel like I must keep wading in these deep dark places. Because God wants to heal me. The depth of my darkness, and my weakness, will be a countermeasure for the height of the righteousness and wholeness He will put in their stead.

I must keep my eyes on the cross. Even when I am surveying with a penlight how much work needs to be done.


Anonymous said...

Ponderance issued to "missing out" enables a cyclic process that could best be characterized as "missing out". You brought up DPS, do you remember the boy who killed himself? How bizarre and sad, that a person would wrap themselves and identify with their passions to the point of ending their life.

Why do your passions and God's passions not coincide? What do you want out of life? What will life give you that you can keep forever? What's important to you, the here and now, or the coming Glory?



Sanctification said...


Good question. God has been proving to me that He is my husband. I long to know Him in this way. Most of my motivations and questions in all of my life arise in the search for that "perfect Man." There are a lot of deep, personal pieces I wish I knew how to surrender and experience in light of "God is enough."

Do you have any advice for me?


Sanctification said...


I believe that God made us with "eternity in our hearts;" every part of who we are and what we seek is meant to be met by God. Many choose to follow idols and therefore Satan in order to bring meaning and satisfaction, but when we follow Jesus we see the purpose and place each of these drives have. I am searching for that hidden meaning; the one that matters; the one which makes me a new creation and dead to sin.

I just thought I might be able to explain it better at a second chance....

Thanks for listening, sanc

Anonymous said...

I think it's important to ponder your past and see where it's gotten you. Reading some of your more current postings lead me to beleive that you had little choice in the matters.

The best way to see God's is to know when it's God's work and when it's our failures. How is reading for God different than reading for your father?

There's no hidden meaning that I know of. Simply enough, by loving God we grow in God's love and that enables us to love others in that way. The two commandments are met..



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