Monday, October 23, 2006


I do a lot of laughing these days.

There has been so much emotional pressure for me since a year ago. Trying to figure out things that most wise people know better than to attempt to understand. I still want to know more about these mysteries, but I am not weighed down about it anymore. There is so much of my purpose and meaning that is tied up with babies, my own babies in particular but everyone else's too, that, when things went wrong last year, I think I fell apart, in part. Finding out that I have been given a boy as I prayed back 2 summers ago, and especially 'the way it was announced' (so to speak), just confirms to me how much I ought to just relax. Laugh. Hang out. Not try and be so 'nerdy,' so thought-full. Just be happy and bask in the amazing new things coming in the future.

I bet you there's a premise out there in scripture to explain the female mind in anticipation of a child on the way. Hmm -- have to tuck that one away and see what I come up with.

Well, you can't kill the logic-horse altogether.

Having a peepee picture is definitely distracting my ability to be a deep-thinker, though.

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