Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is this important?

I have been critical of the current methodology in proselytizing among those who are like me -- evangelicals. Is the criticism overdone? I don't know. I can admit that I have tended to label it as everyone's problem, but I am sure there are many who do it right. I myself am most known for doing it wrong. I've made a lot of mistakes. From those experiences, I want to do what I can to help those who are most like me in avoiding the same.

Let me ask you: how do you proselytize groups such as the LDS or Jehovah's Witnesses?

Is your answer "Oh; the LDS? Well, they have a unique set of difficulties and we really shouldn't get involved."

That's one answer I hear often. The other? To go and tell them what we know is the truth. A good description of the problems arising from usual methodologies can be found at Jeff Lindsay's blogsite in the post titled "How Can Anyone be so Stupid?", which was the recent topic of a thread at a LDS forum.

Feel free to read along if you're interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about my methodology? Do what the Lord leads me to do and no more. For most of my high school experience was proselytizing to mormons. The act of proselytizing became more important to me than what the Lord required of me--to love God and to love my neighbor.

I had to realize that some things must be left to faith. Is it God's will for me to convert mormons? Maybe, but I think the experience that God intended was for me to learn how to exhibit Christ's love and learn to rely on faith not my works. I could argue point for point regarding mormon doctrine and christian doctrine. The harder I worked, the less effective it seemed.

It's hard to rely on faith in all things, but that's what is required of us. Look what happened with your IOC friend. She realized the truth of christianity with the seeds that you planted. She didn't need to be continually argued with or taught. God made it happen.

I would hope that my proselytizing relies on faith in God rather than faith in myself.

Please don't misunderstand and think that I think your methodology is incorrect. I'm just explaining mine.

love ya,


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