Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dancing for the LORD?

Okay. I wanna have a little fun.

Why is there no dancing at church? It must be because of women and propriety, I assume, I haven't asked. That would make sense. I haven't looked at the scriptures yet, but I'm sure it's everywhere that those who worship God, oftentimes dance.

Try and imagine if there was the freedom to dance in public worship. I often times think of how God has put eternity in our hearts. He put something magnificent into each one of us. That amazing love and partnership and experience of Him can be expressed most amazingly through movement. I'd like to ask: do you think biblical dance was rehearsed, or unscripted?

My husband passed this video on to me. In it I saw an amazing collection of Michael Jackson, old-style jazz, Vanilla Ice and salsa. Lots of ingenuity. Interesting.

Now I attend a Baptist church, and dancing is not allowed. I attended an Assembly of God church once. They danced. Though, their dancing was more joining hands in a circle and jumping up and down. I wonder what would others think if people did solos?

How about spontaneous solos? I have no idea if this is okay. I just see this gal dancing for the LORD (if she were a Christian, that is). Not a lot of structure, but she communicates well what it is she feels in her soul.

What do you think?

Is dancing too naughty for church?


Missy said...

I'm not very good, but I dance in church. Sometimes I can't help it. I think it's more about not being able to be still than worship, but sometimes it's worship. :)

We had an incredible ballerina once dance a solo to Enya's "Only Time". It was a women's only service, so that was probably simpler to consider, but it really touched my heart. The teens have often done interpretive dances in mixed company. One interpretive Christian dance I love is this one. (Have kleenex ready)

Sanctification said...

Wow, yep. I got a little emotional there. Wow, what a great video. It makes me think so much about free grace, right now.


Becky said...

Our church has occasional dance, usually during holiday or special services. My friend will dance and I think it is beautiful--just another form of worship. She uses her whole body to communicate gratitude and praise. Awesome.

Sanctification said...

I heard that recently it was un-outlawed, at our church.

Do people dance in the isles, or maybe you just mean before the congregation? Hmm. That would be neat, would love that so much.

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