Friday, August 08, 2008

"The evangelical weakness"

Okay so this is not going to be a very popular blog series. I'll unabashedly admit that I'm slow in the head like all the other evangelicals who are in love with the Word of God. But, nearly as much as I am in love with truth, I am passionate... about this.

As I have been saying in the last month around this blog and over at Lou Martuneac's blog, it takes someone from outside your circle to show you your blind spots. It's nifty to be able to trust someone else to do that sort of thing for you. I'm thinking of asking "MaioCampo" to help throw some food for thought this way. He may have more than one reason to not want to receive attention for this, but if he does then at least it won't be me trying to remember and articulate the very things I am in the process of digesting for myself. Some people might think it's ludicrous to ask a Latter Day Saint to provide any instruction for us in issues of religion, but, isn't that the very heart of "the weakness"?

I have at least a couple ideas that need to get put down on paper. Usually I do things as inspiration gives me the ability to articulate, so, so far no set schedule. In the meantime, here are a list of blog entries I have already published regarding "the evangelical weakness":

Is this important? -- a response based on Jeff Lindsay's LDS blog entry on evangelical evangelism.

Swindoll's Sermon -- a response to a sermon on sharing faith, given by a preacher associated with free grace, before I was even aware.

Fundamentalist evangelical: some thoughts -- a blog entry on reasoning through the two different philosophies of evangelism.

The harvest is plenty? -- a blog entry on thinking outside of the box about a silent, truthless pre-work in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

"But, they're not like us!" -- a blog entry of my very own Pastor Greg's (free grace) sermon on ridding ourselves of our prejudices when it comes to sharing the Word with the world.

I was a little afraid to think about expounding on this topic, but, it's evident I already have been doing so.

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