Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I now have the approval of one who is in authority. His stipulation was to me, that I foremostly be gracious.

I haven't been gracious at all times, and I know I've gotten angry before (whether or not anger is 100% correlated with being ungracious, I'm not convinced but, anyway). I know I've made some piercing observations, too. You may all hold me accountable, nay I desire to be corrected if I stray again.

I am preparing a new series on grace. In the meantime I am pouring a lot of my blog-materials out here in this conversation.

God bless you....


Aletheia said...


grace upon grace upon grace

it is a beautiful thing

praying for you

cheering you on


Sanctification said...


I visited two of your blogs yesterday, including your debut apologia, and something happened, it wouldn't let me leave a comment. I will try again soon.


Aletheia said...


Thank you for visiting. I am sorry you had to leave without having a sit down and a cuppa ;) I think everything is working....but who knows

A couple of my favorite quotes from the discussion you link to in your post

"In the meantime, I am sure this is not easy for those who have inherited what could be called "militant fundamentalism," or "radicalism." It may take years for them to comprehend what exactly is misplaced in their approach. And I want to stand alongside them being faithful to see them through it."

Not only does it take years to comprehend what is misplaced (I have dear friends where it took almost 20 years)....but once it is comprehended, it can take years to de-tox.

I am reminded of Paul in the desert...what a time of de-toxing that must have been from his pharisaical life. What a process it is to change our habits of thinking and responding, to be slower to answer....and most importantly to start fresh with scripture through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and not men.

It is truly a long...but extremely profitable journey.

and then this

It isn't enough that faith worthy of salvation is borne from believing the content of the four gospel narratives... someone needs to tell them how to be saved in order to be saved?

My cult - beaming lazers of warning are flashing...."

the inspiration for my apologia post. thank you

it is still dark here, the sun will soon rise beautifully

He is our Sunrise, our Light, the illumination, our Peace, our Comfort, our Strength, our Advocate and so much more

thank you Father


Sanctification said...


Your presence is a GIFT-

Thank you for praying for me, too.

I love to be encouraged. I love to be loved. As do each one of us.

I'm dealing with illness in the family today and yesterday, will get to your blog soon, but in the stead I am already blessed by it and the vulnerably-provided treasures of your life!


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