Friday, June 06, 2008

Four-Point Declaration of Freedom

The four points below have been my most treasured companion these last five years. I don't know if this is any good. Seems to me it withstands everything. They are to summarize Paul's teaching on grace versus law, so that our consciences should no longer be troubled by those who say we cannot have been justified by faith in Jesus:

1 ] Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

2 ] ...rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.

3 ] Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law.

4 ] Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

(Some of those who have known me the longest are sighing that I bring this up again.)

That's it! Do you see what it is saying?

Point 1 -- Any/all goodness left unmet, qualifies as sin
Point 2 -- Awareness of lacking goodness = law
Point 3 -- Awareness of lacking goodness = law
Point 4 -- Belief in Christ is the end of any/all goodness left unmet by us

The most powerful scripture in those four points, of course, is the last.

I want to say that points 2 & 3 are the same thing but I mention them twice because it is so important for people to try and imagine everything they will ever learn from scripture about God's holy and perfect requirements. It includes good works. But I think it also involves knowledge, especially if you would agree with me, that knowledge of who Jesus Christ is, has a justifying work in our lives.

I AM FREE from fault, because of Christ! Praise God!!!! No other way to heaven can compare. As I heard someone say recently, "The only rule is the one to end all rules."

Let it simmer, let it roast, and then leave a comment.

{1} 1-James 4:17; 2-Romans 3:20b; 3-Romans 7:7; 4-Romans 10:4

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