Thursday, July 07, 2005

Lord of heaven and earth

I was singing along with my radio, praise songs, including this compilation track with the singers from Cademan's Call and Third Day.

When I sing praise songs, it takes me awhile sometimes for me to get real with God. Like the song we sing in church as a congregation is true:

"I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about you
All about you, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I made it
When it's all about you
All about you, Jesus"

At first I'm just jiving because I get to listen to music, period. Then that part of me that loves to interpret and display music kicks in--still not real worship. Then I repent and get to focusing on God as I sing for Him instead of my own personal reasons. And I realized something in the way that I do this....

So I try and find God with my mind. I am trying to imagine the God or the ways I know of Him by which I can authentically praise Him for. And sometimes I have to blink a few times as I realize He is an actual person. Even though I can't see Him, he is very real. Isn't it odd that I am singing a song for a person I have never met, a person that I have so little evidence for? Maybe I'm crazy. At least that always runs through my mind as I travel through this line of thinking.

But the lyrics of this song helped me iron all of it out:

"Halleleujah to the
Lord of heaven and earth

Lord of all creation
Of water, earth and sky
The heavens are your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy,
The universe declares your majesty
You are holy

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When I stumble in the darkness
I will call your name by night"

At the time I was washing the dishes in my kitchen, looking out the window at the tall trees, the bright sunlight, the wind blowing the branches, the clouds.... Things I can *grasp*. Things that are *real*. I want to praise *that* God. Someone must have made all of it, and by His creation alone I can address my halleleujahs and they will be routed accordingly, because there is no confusion in the reality of the spirit-world who it is that made it all....

I also noticed the songwriter's description of that God who created the heavens and earth--"holy." Holy means "the state of being holy, that is, set apart to receive worship and service." My God is Lord of all. That is who I give my praise to.

Now I have my object clearly defined even when my mind is hazy with a lack of understanding.

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