Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Walking hand in hand

Children need the parent's help to learn to walk. Once they know how to do it by themself, it becomes a hit-or-miss effort to get them to take a walk with you. At the earliest stage of toddler, say ages 1-2, they aren't really aware that when you hold their little hand, they end up going exactly where you lead.

In the next stage, say ages 2-3, they might walk hand in hand with you for some time but as soon as they want to go a different direction, they slip right out of your fingers and start off another way.

Only as they get to be maybe 3, or 4 or 5 years of age, will they still hold your hand even when they don't want to go your way. They have enough trust to know better that they should not let go, but, they don't mind making it plain and obvious with their voice and tears that they're not happy about it.

I love little things like this which give me insight into my relationship with Him. I'd like to think I'm... more advanced than needing to be unconsciously directed along, and I'd like to think also that I'm more advanced, now, to know I better not let go. So, I walk with Him now even when it's just so upsetting. I make a loud fuss, drawing the attention of other passing mommies.

Honestly? This isn't a very accomplished stage of sanctification. I have a long way to go.

Maybe one day I can be significantly more mature like those older kids, who I notice that when it comes time to do what they'd rather not, their face gets a little screwy for a few moments, but, they know they can trust their Father that it's time to move.

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