Friday, July 11, 2008

"Spiritual Pornography"

I'm trying to remember where it was along the way that I learned this term.... Was it the JWs? The LDS? Ahh yes, it was the International Church of Christ. This denomination was the reason why I started learning the scriptures. Somewhere on my way out of this system, I learned the phrase, "spiritual pornography." It is the idea that any critical teachings from those outside the group, are to be avoided in every way. They should not even attempt to be understood. Just throw it in the trash, literally, and don't even give a chance to what the other side is saying.

I think this serves as a powerful lesson even though the ICOC example is of course, extreme. I don't think it's a stretch to pull some principles from this phenomena, of marking and labeling outsiders. What are the people inside the group being told about those outside the group? That they don't communicate anything worthwhile? That what they point out is unthinkable? Are they being told that those on the outside are liars, unreliable, shape-shifters, biased, and bent on pillage and destruction?

I always thought that if I truly had the truth, then I am confident and free to review the opinions of anyone's critical suggestions. After all, if I am right, then no matter what I read, my beliefs will always shine bright in their presence. So what is there to fear? There is nothing the other side can really do to harm my message. Now if I was unsure that I had the truth, then I would indeed worry about the damage those on the outside could do to stop my message. It becomes clear how a man truly thinks about his religion when you observe the way in which he shares it.

contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.
philippians 1:27-28

Indeed, for me as I became more and more confident that I was "right," communication with those on the outside became more and more important to me. God was showing me that I was in a position to minister. Who else can help those on the outside to deal with my message, more than I? As I have said in times passed, I am an absolutist who behaves like a relativist. More or less, you get the point. I want utilize respect and listening skills so that there is real communication and compassion to help the outsider to feel free to become an insider.

The more negative labeling I do of the other side, warranted or not, the more obstacle I build from letting them become more like me.

In conclusion, there is double the reason to not speak poorly of the outsiders, those who oppose your message. One, because it creates an obstacle in the ministry of recovering them to orthodoxy, and two, it invalidates the unspoken testimony that you truly have figured out what is right.

And, of course, those labels usually are not warranted, once you get to know what they are really saying and what they are really thinking. That's just the way perceptions work.


Missy said...

Hi! I'm visiting via Rose or via Lou. I found your recent exchanges with Lou very balanced and level-headed, and found myself in agreement with your open-mindedness. I thought to myself - now there's someone on the internet that has the same interest in drawing people together to discuss and grow in Christ!

Then the irony - I'm a member of the ICOC (I think - it's was becoming loosely bound when I came into one of their congregations in 2001). It was a bit of a sting to read an article about not labeling, which labels me as a labeler. {c;

I'm not angry - just thought an open mind would get a kick out of the irony!

Sanctification said...

Another voice,

Oh, yeah... I see what you are saying. Sorry about that. Perhaps this is more a problem back before the split--you can tell me. I know nobody wants to see the ICOC have to split apart (even me as someone who rejects that concept of discipleship), but, it was the overdue result of people who wanted the church to be more healthy both within and without.

Hopefully whatever part of the church you are in, has taken up some of those ideas and is experiencing a lot of benefit now.

Either way, I am glad that you are interested in discussion with those outside your group! You prove me wrong! I am sure there are more and more of your kind these days, it is great to see.

Take care, Michele

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