Friday, February 13, 2009

You are pregnant: Do you know your options?

This (above) is the title of a brochure I read today. I volunteer at a pregnancy crisis center and at a quiet little desk in one room of our suite, various volunteers bring in material related to our work for attention. Our organization is thoroughly committed to a pro-life end so that we will not refer any client to any doctor or agency which will put the health of the mother and baby at risk, through advising or enabling her to abort the baby. It is most difficult to identify pro-life resources for illegal immigrants who find themselves pregnant. They cannot obtain state health insurance, and so that leaves a small number of clinics that both speak her language and also accept her on a sliding-scale fee.

I am thankful that in our day there are a variety of agencies which offer to help pregnant women; unfortunately, most of them include abortion as a part of their help. Take for example the Boys and Girls Aid. Recently they provided for our volunteers a free training on what to counsel our clients concerning adoption. We took advantage of the opportunity and benefitted from that training. This week, however, here sat a brochure on our desk from their office titled "You are pregnant: Do you know your options?"

under "Considering Your Options," there were three-

"Making a Parenting Plan may be a good choice for me if: ..."

"Making an Adoption Plan may be a good choice for me if: ..."

"Making an Abortion Plan may be a good choice for me if: ..."

And the dialogue considering abortion goes like this:

* I have considered how making an abortion plan will affect my personal development and goals for the future.

* I believe that ending this pregnancy is the choice that best meets the needs of my current life situation.

* I can make an early decision and I am less than 20 weeks pregnant.

* I do not want to be pregnant for reasons of health and/or other personal considerations.

* I am prepared to meet the financial responsibilities for the abortion and the aftercare.

* I have discussed my need for support and have someone who will take me to the procedure and care for me before and after the procedure.

* I understand the impact the procedure can have on my fertility in the future.

* I understand this is a permanent decision.

* I am prepared to handle the emotional aspects of making an abortion plan and can ask for help if I need it.

* I have considered the feelings of my partner and family.

You know, I reviewed all the statements under those three options, and the only one which describes itself as "a permanent decision" is abortion. There are always ways to re-adjust life's circumstances while the baby lives, but once a woman aborts, there is no more room to maneuver if something might change. You know what I mean?


Teresa said...

I am always stirred when I read information like this as this is an area that pulls at my heart and I believe God has placed there. What truth you have presented! Bless you for your work! I think you have a wonderful personality and heart for this kind of work! :) Maybe someday soon I will be able to join you in this work.

Sanctification said...


Your heart does shines through! All I do is show up and receive thanks for giving them blankets I did not knit and tests I did not pay for. The work and prayers of others weighs much more glorious, for those behind the scenes.

I hope you will be able to do this too! The touch you could bring would be more loving than mine - it is your strength to be an encourager, from what I have noticed - :D

Missy said...

Very insightful observation, as well as something meaningful and non-judgmental to share with someone considering abortion. Thanks, Michele.

Sanctification said...

Thanks Missy!

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