Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free Grace is a Movement

My husband subscribes to snail-mail from Ligonier Ministries founded by R.C. Sproul [1]. This month's mailing was sitting out where I noticed what was highlighted in red on the front of the envelope:

"'Reformation is a movement, not just a historical event.'
- R. C. Sproul"

Well. If Reformed theology is speaking of itself as a movement, then I'll speak in turn that Free Grace is a movement too.

Besides video lectures and interviews at the Free Grace Alliance website, and articles and newsletters at the Grace Evangelical Society website, there are some excellent blog writers around the internet. A sample follows.

By introduction, Tim Nichols frames the conversation over Reformed theology with grace and perspective writing in a recent post about the historical Protestant Reformation,
The whole point of their system of doctrine was that we must thank God, and God alone, for our salvation, and that thanks must arise from a joyful heart that is certain of its salvation. ... The Reformation confessions and catechisms teach this quite clearly. They also teach clearly the perseverance of the saints, and this created a hairline fracture in their system of doctrine. That fracture permits a squinty-eyed, untrusting person to begin to question whether, if he were really saved, he would commit the sins that he does. Many Reformed people have widened this hairline fracture to an unbridgeable chasm, and as a result whole denominations have been led to abandon both the Bible’s clear teaching of assurance of salvation and the Reformers’ fine example in that area.
Dr. Fred Lybrand, former President of the Free Grace Alliance has written many posts at his blog largely on logic & doctrine from the Free Grace perspective in the last year.

The Faith/Works Logic Issue

Antonio daRosa, workshop speaker at the Grace Evangelical Society has written some slightly more lengthy arguments in his blog's index of Free Grace articles.

For more information on the teaching of Free Grace, keep reading these blogs or contact the Grace Evangelical Society (GES) or Free Grace Alliance (FGA).

[1] Accessible are some basic teachings of R.C. Sproul at Reformation Theology: Are You New to Reformed Theology?
Sproul interprets Hebrews 6, Romans 9, free will, regeneration preceding faith, God never 'changing His mind,' intercessory prayer, and more in the online mp3 titled Chosen By God: 2005 St. Louis Conference.


Sanctification said...

Don Reiher is once again doing a live stream of the 2010 Grace Evangelical Society National Conference, central standard time this week (Monday-Thursday).

Click here to log in and view the sessions.

Click here to find out which sessions Don is streaming.

Dr. Fred R. Lybrand said...

Hi Michele,

Thanks for the mention! I do have an hour long examination of the relationship of faith an works that might be of interest to your followers. It's at under 'LISTEN'. You may have mentioned it and I just missed it.

God bless,

Fred Lybrand

Sanctification said...

Hi Fred,

That was one I forgot to mention! I like the motto of your website Back to Faith

"Faith alone is not alone?"

I haven't read your latest book but I have a feeling it is an excellent apologetic.

The hour-long audio is available here. I just started it and it sounds to be beginning with a discussion of James 2.

Dr. Fred R. Lybrand said...

James 2 is significant (hence a whole chapter on it)...

But most of the audio shows the incongruence in guys like Piper, Sproul, and Tozer.

I also walk through a bit of the logical the Chafer Conference we sold out of books after I walked through this material.



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